Add color to your garden with native plants
Stoke’s aster and the bloom can be as large as 4 inches across and attract numerous butterflies and polinators.
March 3, 2022
I question the complaint in last Sunday’s paper that native plants don’t offer enough variety for new landscapes, are hard to locate or don’t allow people the freedom to express themselves through their gardens.
I find this hard to fathom as there are literally hundreds of beautiful native plants from which to choose, and many native nurseries that offer a wide variety at very reasonable prices.
What we so desperately need In Palm Beach is more diversity in our gardens, which are largely monocultures of the same few alien species. These aliens seem to be more beloved by landscapers than their clients who, often coming from other regions of the country, may not recognize the plants being prescribed for their yards.
George Gann of the Institute for Regional Conservation presented a fascinating and informative lecture at Pan’s Garden last Monday on native plants and their critical importance to the sustainable ecology of our barrier island. He reminded us that there has never been a more urgent need to restore damaged ecosystems than right now, and each of us needs to play a part.
Red salvia adds color to any garden.
Individual landscapes, regardless of size, can significantly increase sustainable habitat and restore ecosystems through the addition of native plants and the reduction of toxic chemicals. He warned that as people recognize the dangers associated with spraying pesticides, especially on ficus (they are replacing hedges with the wrong material, usually non-native clusia), it would behoove landscapers to educate themselves and their clients on the best plants for Palm Beach.
And it would be great if homeowners would demand plants that do not need chemicals to thrive in their gardens. A mandate of only 35% natives in new landscapes is not a hardship for anyone and will greatly benefit the ecological health of Palm Beach. Fifty percent would be even better.
A newly opened monarch rests on Bahama senna
With spring around the corner, my native plant garden is bursting with color, fragrance, birds and butterflies. It’s a joy to experience every day as something new is always emerging. Here are a few great natives to add to your landscapes:
The lovely pearlberry (Vallesia antillana) is showing off its delicate open clusters of bright white flowers, which are stunning against the dark green elliptical foliage. This delightful undemanding shrub makes a great specimen or can serve as a dense screen, reaching an ultimate height of 10 feet. The lovely translucent white fruits resemble tiny pearls and are loved by birds and wildlife. This is doing well in my garden in filtered shade but likes sun as well.
Pearlberry can reach as 10 feet
Indigobush or crenulate leadplant (Amorpha crenulata), is an upright evergreen shrub growing 4-5 feet with colorful spikes of reddish-purple buds becoming bluish-white flowers with distinct yellow stamens protruding from the tips. Endemic to Miami-Dade County, this member of the legume family blooms for several months, attracting numerous pollinators, and is the host plant for the silver-spotted skipper butterfly. Drought-resistant and happiest in full sun, this endangered native is a great addition to a pollinator garden.
Necklace pods attract hummingbirds and butterflies
Necklace pod (Sophora tomentosa) is wonderful for attracting butterflies and hummingbirds to your garden, and who wouldn’t want hummingbirds? Lovely long flower spikes of bright yellow pea-like blooms appear year-round, and the leaves are the larval host for the martial scrub hairstreak butterfly. This is a showy, loose-growing shrub with multiple stems that can reach a height of 5-6 feet. Highly drought- and salt-tolerant, this loves full sun and makes a great addition to a seaside garden. It can also be container-grown on a porch or balcony.
Pineland strongback (Bourreria cassinifolia) is another state-listed endangered species that should be more widely planted in South Florida landscapes. This rounded shrub can reach 8 feet in height with a dense canopy, and as such makes a wonderful barrier screen in a group planting. It also does well in a large container on a deck or patio.
The showy fragrant white flowers are born year-round and attract julias, Gulf fritillaries, zebra longwings, large species of sulphurs, skippers and sphinx moths. Songbirds love the small orange fruits. Give this wonderful native a try in your garden and enjoy the parade of butterflies that appear.
Pineland croton works well in sun and part shade
Pineland croton (Croton linearis) is one of my favorite garden shrubs and is another native that more landscapers should add to their palettes. This is a lovely small shrub growing up to 3 feet in height with a similar width. The dark green leaves have silvery undersides that flash on windy days. This grows well in full sun or part shade, in any soil, and is highly drought-tolerant.
The creamy white flowers attract skippers, cassius blues, Florida duskywings and many other butterflies. It is the sole larval host for the exceptional Bartram’s scrub hairstreak and Florida leafwing butterflies, both endangered, and this alone is ample reason for planting it.
The fabulous Stokes' aster (Stokesia laevis) is blooming right now with large deep blue flowers above lovely evergreen foliage. These spectacular flowers can be as large as 4 inches across and attract numerous butterflies and pollinators. They bloom on and off starting in early spring. This is wonderful in a border or a container, and cut flowers will last up to a week.
Instead of using the same species over and over — and by this I mean green island ficus, podocarpus, jasmine minima and schefflera — let’s educate ourselves on the benefits of native plants and their importance to the fragile ecosystem of Palm Beach. Why are we so committed to plants that require chemicals to survive? Native plants that have evolved on our barrier island will thrive in conditions often adverse to alien species. Additionally, they support pollinators and wildlife and nurture the essential sustainable ecosystems we need to survive.
For more ideas on beautiful native plants, visit Pan’s Garden at the Preservation Foundation; it’s a profusion of color and glorious butterflies. And go online to Florida Native Plant Society or Natives for your Neighborhood to learn about any specific plants you might want.
-Kim Frisbie
Original article on the Palm Beach Daily News is HERE.