Make sure plants in your yard perpetuate native ecosystem
The flowers of the lignum vitae tree, which can reach a height of 15 feet
April 8, 2021
Back in fifth grade, most of us learned that plants take carbon from the air, and through the process of photosynthesis, convert it with sunlight into sugars and oxygen, enabling us all to survive.
Trees are carbon sinks, storing carbon absorbed from the atmosphere into their tissues where it remains for the duration of their lifespans, up to hundreds of years. Global forests, wetlands, grasslands and coastal habitats all sequester carbon, regulate global temperatures, recharge groundwater, anchor soil and act as flood barriers.
But the loss of trees and coastal habitat are destabilizing our natural ecosystems on a scale unseen in human history. Half the trees that existed before the onset of agriculture are gone. (A 2015 study in Nature says humans have felled 46 percent of the earth's trees since the dawn of civilization.) Planting trees and maintaining healthy ecosystems are essential in mitigating climate change and biodiversity collapse.
The specific plants we add to our gardens are immensely important. We need to remember that insects are the intermediary herbivores providing vital protein from plants for native birds and wildlife, and ultimately us. All plants contain specific toxins in their leaves for protection, and only those insects that have evolved over millennia with these plants are able to ingest them.
That means our native insects cannot eat the foliage of the alien species we have so assiduously added to our landscapes for the past century. Only native species can support the insects that will in turn support our wildlife.
Additionally, we cannot continue to destabilize natural ecosystems through overuse of chemical pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. Our beloved Everglades, originally a river of grass, mangrove forests and pristine waters, has been abused beyond its limits over the last century. A recent study reported that glyphosate, the primary ingredient in Roundup, is ubiquitous in Florida’s waters and has been found in the plasma of 60% of manatees tested.
In South Florida, glyphosate is used in sugar-cane plantations in the Everglades Agricultural Area as well as by individuals in Palm Beach for weed control.
Leaching into waterways through runoff, soil application, wind drift and direct application, there is no doubt we are all drinking it. This chemical adversely affects manatees already under stress from red tides and algae blooms. In humans, glyphosate has been linked to Alzheimer’s, autism, leukemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and other cancers as well as to developmental and reproductive disorders. Do we really want to be spraying this on our landscapes?
As individual stewards of our tiny barrier island, we share equal responsibility in making changes vital to the health of our environment. Reducing chemicals in our yards and adding native plants will improve our air and water quality while mitigating the loss of biodiversity that has already occurred.
Here are some great native trees and shrubs to consider for a variety of landscapes:
A live oak stands near Dale Chihuly’s sculpture “For” at The Society of the Four Arts
The first tree I would plant would be live oak (Quercus virginiana). With its broad crown and impressive size, this long-lived native evergreen provides food and shelter for numerous wildlife, including painted buntings, orioles and northern parula warblers. Adaptable to a wide range of soil and water conditions, live oaks support 534 species of butterflies and countless other pollinators, and they sequester hundreds of pounds of carbon per year. Over a 300-year lifespan, they will store literally tons of carbon. On top of this, they are beautiful trees and you will never be without songbirds in your yard.
The fruits of the lignum vitae, or tree of life, split open to reveal bright red seeds
Lignum vitae (Guaiacum sanctum) makes an extraordinary specimen. Also known as the tree of life, this slow-growing evergreen reaches a height of 15 feet, with stunning blue star-shaped flowers in spring and summer, and yellow fruits that split open to reveal bright red seeds; The valuable, extremely durable wood has led to such overharvesting that this tree is now endangered. Do yourself and the environment a favor by adding this to your garden.
Simpson's stopper (Myrcianthes fragrans) is one of Florida’s very best small trees, with the trifecta of ornamental bark, fragrant flowers for butterflies, and decorative bright red fruit loved by birds and wildlife. This works well as a single specimen or planted en masse to form a beautiful, dense maintenance free hedge (unlike our chemically dependent ficus hedges). When grown as a single specimen, the light tan, exfoliating bark is truly stunning. Salt- and drought-tolerant, this is happy in sun or shade.
New growth on a Simpson’s stopper grown as a hedge
Bahama strongbark (Bourreria succulenta) is another excellent native not seen nearly enough in Palm Beach landscapes. Graceful evergreen branches with small, fragrant white flowers attract butterflies, hummingbirds and other pollinators. Mockingbirds, catbirds and blue-headed vireos relish the ornamental clusters of small orange fruit. Warblers, gnatcatchers, vireos, and flycatchers find insects among the blossoms in the canopy. The dense branching habit provides wildlife cover. This is happy in sun or part shade, as a free-standing specimen or combined with others to form a tall screen.
A Bahama strongbark plant, which is happy in the sun or partial shade, at Pan’s Garden
The multicolored fruits of the Bahamas strong bark
White indigo berry (Randia aculeata) is a great evergreen shrub with fragrant white flowers and white berries, providing significant food and cover for wildlife. This is the larval host for tantalus sphinx, and a nectar source for numerous butterflies and pollinators. Drought- and salt-tolerant, this likes sun or shade.
The flowers of a necklace pod shrub are a vibrant yellow
Necklace pod (Sophora tomentosa) is a beautiful, airy shrub with graceful arching panicles of yellow pea-like flowers loved by butterflies and hummingbirds. This is the larval host plant for the martial scrub-hairstreak. Highly salt- and drought-tolerant, this does well in coastal areas. Ask for the native variety with glossy foliage and a more open upright habit than the non-native.
A closeup of a necklace pod shrub, which attracts hummingbirds and butterflies
Florida firebush (Hamelia patens var patens), with prolific orange-red tubular-shaped flowers, is a magnet for nectar-seeking hummingbirds and butterflies. Songbirds feast on the fleshy purple fruits; the foliage provides larval food for the Pluto sphinx and brown tersa sphinx moths. This 6-8 foot shrub is not particular as to soil conditions and grows well in sun or part shade; the leaves acquire a reddish tint in sunnier locations.
The Florida fire bush is full of tubular red flowers
These are just a few of the beautiful natives that will thrive in Palm Beach landscapes, requiring little maintenance and no harmful chemicals. They can all be seen in Pan’s Garden at the Preservation Foundation.
The first monthly Pan’s Garden tour with horticulture director Susan Lerner, will be held Earth Day week, at 10 a.m. April 19. It is limited to 15 people. Contact the foundation to reserve a spot.
-Kim Frisbie
Original article on the Palm Beach Daily News is HERE.