Invite the right insects with these natives

Dune Sunflower

December 29, 2019

At the opening of the newly renovated recreation center, Caroline Stone stated that she wanted Palm Beach to be the healthiest community in America.

And indeed, with our fabulous climate and stunning beaches for outdoor recreation and our numerous indoor workout facilities, there’s no reason we shouldn’t be a model for healthy living. So, it baffles me to see the arrival of truck after truck loaded with poisons we voluntarily spray all over our beautiful landscapes.

I was walking down a road at the North End of the island, when an “environmental” truck pulled up beside me and rolled out that long yellow hose to spray the adjacent property. I asked him what he was using and what he was spraying for. He showed me a bag of Avalon Insecticide, whose active ingredient is bifenthrin.

This is a restricted pyrethrin insecticide that attacks the nervous system of insects when they eat or touch it, causing paralysis and death. It is highly toxic to bees, fish and pets. Extended exposure to this “likely human carcinogen” can lead to birth defects, neurodevelopmental disorders, tumors, ADHD and cancer. It is much more toxic to children and dogs due to their smaller size.

The lawn technician said he wasn’t spraying for anything specific — he was on a monthly contract to simply spray the entire property. This is not an isolated example; most of the workers I have spoken with are on a weekly or monthly contract to “spray everything.”

Let’s consider for a moment the insects we are so intent on killing. The value of pollinators alone is nearly incalculable. Honeybees account for 80 percent of all pollination in the United States; without them our produce aisles would be almost empty. And insects are a food source for a huge percentage of the world’s fauna. The average nesting bird needs hundreds of caterpillars to support its young. No caterpillars, no birds.

In addition, parasites and microorganisms, which are also vulnerable to insecticides, contribute to the decomposition of plant material — and thus the cycle of nature.

The chemicals we apply to our landscapes are killing these important beneficial insects, many of which could keep in check those we may not want. A friend recently described watching an ibis pull a grub out of her lawn, which she never treats. Isn’t this much more fun than spraying that lawn with chemicals that seep into our aquifers and drinking water?

And the fact that they are toxic to all of us — children, dogs, cats, fish, birds, and wildlife — should be a huge wake-up call. Our lovely Lake Trail should be an oasis for walkers, joggers and cyclists; but on many occasions it is almost hard to breathe next to recently treated properties.

This is where native plants come into play. As these species adopt to the growing conditions, they thrive without fertilizer and will not normally require pesticides. By planting natives, we can restore our natural ecosystems and provide habitat for native wildlife. Our gardens will once again attract hummingbirds, painted buntings, woodpeckers, swallows, and beautiful butterflies. We must change our mindset about insects, and understand that nature is not something to fight, but rather to embrace and preserve. Here are some more great natives to add to your existing landscapes to bring back the birds.

Bay cedar, Suriana maritima, is a pretty, tough shrub that can tolerate the harshest environments, including salt, wind, and salt water, while still retaining its neat shape. Usually growing 6 to 10 feet with dense clusters of grayish, somewhat fuzzy foliage, this will do well in sun to part shade, in dry, sandy soil of seaside locations, as well as in more favorable conditions. The attractive five-petaled yellow flowers contrast nicely with the foliage and provide nectar for numerous butterflies. This is the host plant for hairstreaks, so expect lots of butterfly activity in your gardens with this addition.

Longleaf blolly, Guapira discolor, is another handsome small tree useful for coastal locations. Growing 10-25 feet in sun or part shade, with a rounded canopy and arching trunk, this works as a specimen or as a screen or background plant. The decorative clusters of showy red berries appear in late fall and last well into winter, providing a long season of food for appreciative birds and wildlife.

Beautyberry, Callicarpa americana, is a multi stemmed shrub with arching branches and highly aromatic leaves, reaching a height of about 6 feet. Rounded clusters of pink flowers are borne on the stems in spring and summer followed by brilliant purple, pearl-like berries that last throughout the year. There is also a white variety with white flowers and berries; planted together, these make a striking display. Butterflies visit the flowers and birds love the fruits. Drought tolerant and happy in sun or shade, this is especially useful around the holidays when the festive berries make stunning additions to your arrangements.

Dune sunflower, Helianthus debilis, is a terrific showy low-growing shrub for year-round color. Drought- and salt-resistant, covered with bright yellow daisy-like flowers, this makes an ideal, no-maintenance ground cover in coastal landscapes, or in any garden with plenty of sun. A copious self-seeder, it provides seed for birds and habitat for wildlife, while butterflies flock to its flowers for nectar.

Sea lavender, Tournefortia gnaphalodes, is one of the most beautiful of our coastal shrubs. Its soft, silvery gray foliage is clustered in dense whorls, making a strikingly elegant display, and the small white flowers add a lovely sparkle. This likes full sun and thrives in sandy soils — needing no additional irrigation after it is established. It will grow to 5 feet and should be more frequently used, as it is such a lovely accent plant.

Adding any of these to your landscapes will attract birds and butterflies and won’t require any chemical applications. Your air will smell cleaner, you won’t be adding toxins to our aquifers, and your kids, pets and neighbors will thank you.


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