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These Plants Loved by Birds and Butterflies
It’s great fun to watch the caterpillars grow and then form their pupae, and even more exciting to watch as they emerge as gorgeous butterflies. And then there’s the joy of having them fluttering about your gardens.

Natives to plant for a sustainable garden
Editor’s Note: Resident Kim Frisbie is a member of the Garden Club of Palm Beach and a transplant from Pennsylvania and Boston with a master’s of science in ornamental horticulture from the Longwood Program at the University of Delaware. She has written for Horticulture Magazine and her gardening column ran in several Philadelphia newspapers for several years. Look for her columns regularly in this space.

Plant Native Gardens to Sustain Local Insects & Birds
In creating our magnificent green landscapes, many of us have forgotten to maintain habitat for the original inhabitants, including our birds, butterflies and bees.